Historical References Book IV Cycle Marco Valerio: Rise of a Kingdom

Historical References Book IV Cycle Marco Valerio: Rise of a Kingdom
Historical References Book IV Cycle Marco Valerio: Rise of a Kingdom

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485 AD: Rise of a Kingdom

Less than five years of his coronation, the twenty-year-old king of the Franks is ready to begin his conquests, with the support of the Church and the Empire, but above all of a united people and the army reorganized by his marshal Marcus Valerius. The enemy to be fought is that same Syagrius who on the day of his coronation had tried to humiliate him in front of his peers... And King Clovis is not a man to forget the offenses he suffered. Marcus will be at the head of the army sent to conquer the Roman cities of Gaul, and will once again find himself struggling with his conscience, tormented by the idea of having to fight against his own people and even against his own family. But what might have seemed a trivial conflict between two of Rome's many heirs in the West, will prove to be a decisive clash for the fate not only of Gaul, but of the whole of Europe.



A - Mappa di Suessiones in età imperiale

B - Battaglia di Souessiones

D - Mappa di Ratomagus in età imperiale

E - Lutetia Parisiorum in età imperiale

F - Assalto di Teodorico a Costantinopoli