Historical References Book IV Cycle Marco Valerio: The Sword On The Stone

Historical References Book IV Cycle Marco Valerio:  The Sword On The Stone
Historical References Book IV Cycle Marco Valerio:  The Sword On The Stone

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487 AD: The Sword on the Stone

Having landed in Britannia under a false name in search of his brother who betrayed him, Marcus almost immediately finds himself embroiled in the complex events of an island that has lost its Pendragon right in the middle of a Saxon invasion. What to Marcus was simply a lost province of the empire turns out to be a complex world where street bandits, petty kings, pagan priestesses and quarrelsome duces compete for power. Of all, only the old Merlin of Britannia has a precise plan, but not even he knows how to put it into practice. But Marcus, who calls himself Bedivero for not being recognized as King Clovis's marshal, carries with him Carnwennan, late Uther’s sword. And when the Merlin places the sword of the last Pendragon on the heel stone of the Stone Circle, the fate of Britain will be fulfilled.

A - Dumnonia

B - Il Cerchio di Pietre di Stonehenge.

C - Deva Victrix

D - Glevum in età imperiale