The Worlds of Deirdre d’Armorica. All the books

The Worlds of Deirdre d’Armorica.  All the books

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490 AD: Red Deirdre

A young herbalist descended from the last Celts of Gaul grows with a loving mother in an idyllic world of enchanted forests and friendly animals. Her life is similar to that of the elves and other legendary creatures of the rural world of yesteryear ... But when tragedy strikes into her life with the merciless violence of the real world, the young elf will tourn to survive first into an outlaw and then into a witch. It will be in this new identity of hers that she will begin to discover the world of Men, so different from the one of her beloved forests; and it will be with a sword in her hand that she will learn to cut her way through the terrifying and violent world of the Dark Ages.

492 AD: Deirdre’s Oath

Red Deirdre is now a well-known outlaw feared throughout Gaul, pursued as much by barbarian kings as by the leaders of her own people. Together with her companion and her four-legged friends, the rebellious young elf has acquired confidence, perhaps too much: together with them she throws herself to conquer nothing less than the Burgundian crown... Only to discover that a magic sword and witch eyes may not be enough to face the king of the Goths. When the anger of King Alaric falls upon her, Deirdre sees herself struck once more in her dearest affections. It will be then that she raises her sword to the sky to take an oath that will mark the rest of her life, taking her further and further away, in search of her revenge... Far away, as far as Avalon.






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